Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cool Game.

    The game that I enjoyed the most was called Wizard Poetry. In this game I studied the following skills which were Alliteration, Rhyme, and Rhythm. In order to win this game I had to find all different monsters which each monster had a key and I had to answer the questions correctly to get the key. If I didn't get it right I had to try again. The thing that I enjoyed the most about this game was that I had to find the keys that the monsters had and answer all the poetry sentences it told me to answer. Also, walking around with that boy. My partner was Grisaurys. Grisaurys and I won at the same time. To play this game go to this link; www.earobics.com/gamegoo/games/wiznpigs/wiznpigs.html

      The game that I enjoyed second most called "Is this a Metaphor. In this game I studied the following skills which is metaphor and simile. In order to win this game I had to answer all 5 questions. The thing that I enjoyed most about this game was answering all the questions and getting them all correct. My partner was Grisaurys. We both got all the answers correct, so we both got 100%. To play this game go to this link; www.quia.com/quiz/104199.html?AP_rand=1688449332

     The game that I enjoyed the least was "Battle Ship." In this game I studied the following skills of Figurative Language. In order to win this game I had to answer all the questions that I clicked on the empty spaces so I can sink the other persons ship. The thing I least enjoyed about this game was losing. My partner was the computer. My partner won me. To play this game go to this link; www.quia.com/ba/55203.html

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